The Brand Path
This is the beginning of your branding journey. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so setting out on the path requires a good guide who knows the territory.
Gotcha covered.
Your custom Brand Path is developed after a thorough exploration of your business, your product, your customers, and your goals. This begins with a 90 minute exploration interview, then we adjourn while your new Brand Path is developed. Your complete Brand Path is then delivered within just a few business days, with full instructions and explanations for why and how it should be implemented.

The Brand Expedition
Once you’ve completed your Brand Path, it is now time to put all that knowledge and advice to work building your new branding platform.
This two day super-intensive session will give you the tools you need, in place, and ready to go.
The GoldQuest Brand Expedition is done in four parts over two days, running from 8am to 11am, and then again from 2pm to 5pm, both days. Each section is structured to deliver maximum output for the time invested, and when it is done you will have an entire brand program (with all the tools you need to run it!) in place, custom designed and delivered to hit your goals and grow your business the right way.
The full price of your Brand Path will be applied to your purchase of your Brand Expedition. You lose nothing by doing them in the right order.